Kids Club - Intellectum Logo

Kids Club - Intellectum

New Location Announcement

Big News!

In March, we are expanding and opening a new location. Stay tuned for more details!

Our Courses

Mental Mathematics

Improve your mental calculation skills.

Russian ABCs

Learn the fundamentals of the Russian alphabet.

Reading in Russian

Enhance your reading speed and comprehension in Russian.

Programming - Coming Soon

Stay tuned for our upcoming programming course.

Art - Coming Soon

Stay tuned for our upcoming art course.

Mental Mathematics

Day Time Age Group
Monday 4:45 PM 8-9 years
Tuesday 4:00 PM 4-5 years
Thursday 6:30 PM 9-10 years
Sunday 12:30 PM 9-10 years

Russian ABCs

Day Time Age Group
Sunday 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 4-6 years
Sunday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM 4-6 years

Reading in Russian

Day Time Age Group
Thursday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 7-8 years
Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 7-9 years

Programming - Coming Soon

Day Time Age Group
Coming Soon

Art - Coming Soon

Day Time Age Group
Coming Soon

Summer Camp

Join our fun and educational summer camp event!


Time Activity
9:00–10:00 Arrival and daily routine
10:00–12:00 Art and sculpture
12:00–1:30 Meal and free time
1:30–3:00 Active and board games


Time Activity
9:00–10:00 Arrival and daily routine
10:00–12:00 Swimming pool
12:00–1:30 Meal and free time
1:30–3:00 "What? Where? When?" Quiz


Time Activity
9:00–10:00 Arrival and daily routine
10:00–12:00 Cooking class / board game
12:00–1:30 Meal and free time
1:30–3:00 Quest


Time Activity
9:00–10:00 Arrival and daily routine
10:00–12:00 Art and crafts
12:00–1:30 Meal and free time
1:30–3:00 Fun races


Time Activity
9:00–10:00 Arrival and daily routine
10:00–12:00 Shadow theater
12:00–1:30 Meal and free time
1:30–3:00 Active and board games

(Additional activities: checkers competition, robotics, museum, programming)

Interactive Abacus

Your Abacus Value: 0

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